Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2025)

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Richmond Times-Dispatchi

Richmond, Virginia

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IUcc Ticieg-Dispatcli Feh'ni-ry 15 19S6 Classified Ads Dial 3-3431 Sixteen Want Ads Sell Cars Pets Furniture Radios Dial 3-3431 Automotive Automotive Automotive Announcements Automotive Wonted Automotive Automobiles for Sale 11 Automobiles for Sale II SCREEN ODDITIES by Captem Roscot Fawcett Death Automobiles for Sale 1 11 CASH RATES For Want Ado USED CARS Any condition Hea radiatora parts Star Auto Pa 305 Petersburg Pike 4-4933 FORD "33 coach $315 80S down 6 19 month 8-9523 34 Hupmobile 4-Door Sedan FORD Chassis good tires $30 32 CHEVROLET COACH IN GOOD CONDITION ONLY $350 WE PAY cash for old cars battel and radistors 400 Cary St cash 4QO cary et MORRIS Died Wednesday February 12 1936 Theodore Morris at his home 1610 Avenue He leaves his wife two sisters nine children ten grandchildren other relatives and friends Funeral Sunday at 1 o'clock at the Episcopal Church at Lombardy and Idle wood Rev Junius Taylor officiating Bur- Traded on Packard Has bad the "34 SDOrt COUDO 63S5 6142 days' rata can Include ludtj ad ran eeoaeeuUve day Friday Hatorday WILL PAY CASH FOR 1935 PLYMOUTH I down balance $393 a week mond Motor Co Used Car Dept tb and Marshall Sta Dial 2-C425 JIMMTE JONES 1018 HULL ST DIAL 2-1986 Sanaay Monday xnoj) PONTIAC OR CHEVROLET Open nlnhta best of care $425 WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co 1117 Boulevard 4-3832 lal in Evergreen cjemetcry Or will take aver oavments and Bargain 34 coach Died February 14 1988 6435 2-3600 9th and Hull sta USED CAR Be sure to visit cash difference ive complete tails about your car cash pnj mileage condition of car tire No dealers Write Box 116 ct Times-Dispatch our showroom Kirrmyer Motor ux Tenth and Broad sta at 215 East atra Susie Robinson widow of--the late Charles Robinson She Is survived toy one brother Alghee Hughes two sisters Mrs Mary Scott and Mrs Lula Cogblll several nieces and nephews and other relatives Funeral notice later '32 Packard Club Sedan USED CARS Phelps Bowles Cocke 2737 Broad Si Dial 5-3334 ASK tha man who owns one of our Average 1 Time 1 1 Tine 13 Days Words Daily (Sunday! 1 1 I I I 0 78 11 to IS £4 JM 117 1 to 19 7 JM LU tl to 15 AO 100 lii 26 to SO 108 120 2J4 81 to S3 U6 140 273 to 40 144 140 812 41 to 45 1-2 140 JWl 46 to 140 200 240 51 to 65 1-98 4-29 to 60 21 240 448 1 to 65 234 2 60 50? 64 to It 242 240 646 A Hughes Car Is a Better Used Car "32 Plymouth Coupe $235 32 Chevrolet Coach $265 "S3 Ford Tudor Sedan $335 34 Ford 4-Door Sedan $395 34 Dodge Sedan $485 34 Oldsmobile Coach $465 33 Hupmobile Coupe $365 35 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery $485 Driven 36000' miles has good tires used cars See us for reconditioned Employment Lrr JTv I I MAS A COtLECTtOM Jl I OFCARMiD iVOQy RUFPTN Died at the residence of her used ears Mooers Motor car co 1117 Worth Boulevard 4-8832 smrL'9A Tlwlnr SI AH and paint periect mechanically has 6 chromium wire wheels and trunk Original cost $4500 Our price $750 WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co (BRANCH) AH Can In a Steam-Heated Garage WOMBLE As CO 2030 Chamberlaxne Avenue Help Wanted Female WANTED a middle aged white wo an for housekeeper Country bor 207 care Times-Dt'spatch Help Wanted Male i son 7 Duval at oruary ti 1936 at 6:30 Mrs Sellie Ruffln Besides her husband abe is survived by one son one daughter one daughter-in-law one nephew and a host of other relatives and friends Funeral Saturday at 2 from Scott's Funeral Home 2223 East Main Street Rev Binford officiating Dial 15-9167 Open Nights 710 Broad St 3-3023 Hughes Motor Co 503 West Broad DIAL 8-2130 2018 Broad St DIAL 5-3271 OPEN NIGHTS SPECIAL LOW RATES FOE 7 10 AM 80 1 LEGAL ADVERTISING IOC FEB AGATE LINE Office Open Daily From 9 A 3L to 9 if SIRCUS Died at the residence of her '32 Ford De Luxe Coupe Heater chains Car in good condition 2 new tires $215 WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co 1117 Boulevard 4-3832 For Your Protection RIGHT BEFORE Your Own Eyes We Will Install A New Guaranteed BATTERY son Mr Clarence oircus Leigh Street Wednesday February 12 1936 at 11 Mrs Josephine 8ircus Besides her son she is survived by one daughter Mrs Marie Coleman two grandchildren one great-grandchild a foster daughter Miss Blanch Williams other relatives and friends Remains resting at the above residence Funeral i -an from-'the above Auto Trucks for Sale 12 a GUARANTEED TRUCKS STERRETT OPERATING SERVICE 107 CANAL ST DIAL 2-2846 Telephone 3-3431 '35 Chevrolet Master residence Rev Smith officiat All advertisements for sales help must state kind of merchandise or service to be sold and the whether salary or commission ing interment Evergreen nmnwy Coupe S495 CAN WEAA BASKETS DO Died at a local hos JOtr fv i i jinr! '33 Ford De Luxe 3 BATtaf WORK Announcements pital Wednesday wusry Fannie Anderson Spottswood of 629 Third Street Funeral notice later Coach $295 NOTE Do not send original letters of send i copies OWMS PROPEQTy IN 37 OP MAKE jEWELRy DO WOOOSLOCIC PQlNTlMG AND 3 IW Deaths Cards of Thanks '33 Chevrolet Sedan $345 '34 Dodge Sport DON'T GAMBLE BUY TODAY At Rock-Bottom Prices Soon as Weather Breaks Prices WiU Climb WAS NOW 35 Graham Sedan $775 $597 34 Graham Sedan $650 $497 34 Graham Coupe $650 $497 33 Chevrolet Roadster $375 $297 '32 Chevrolet Coupe $275 $197 32 Buick Sedan $450 $387 32 Lincoln Sedan $975 $847 31 Pierce-Arrow Sedan $750 $467 STATES tjtleY We wish to thank our many AGENT Wanted life Insurance agei salary plus commission for fin class man Real opportunity Wr Coupe Box 183 for appointment! friends xor me ma wuu sympathy flowers and cars offered at the death of our mother Susan Utley Signed Charles Utley and family '29 Chevrolet Coach $125 '31 Chevrolet Coach COOK (Male) experienced wantt 3 Grace Automotive Automotive SALESMAN distributors carded Goods 4 31 Chevrolet 32 Chevrolet Coach $275 plrin soap razors blades etc uo commission 5071 6th St Automobiles for Sale II lutomobrles for Sale 11 FUQUA St SHEFFIELD Florists 29 Franklin Sedan $225 $167 SALESMEN National organization '32 Chevrolet Sedan $295 0 Oldsmobile Beautliul I lowers urusuiauj -ranged 2926 Westhampton Ave WE (Sell punk cars to Junk dealers gogd cars to smart buyers Call newtnorne z-oago 34 Ford Sedan $375 WYATT Lovely cut flowers EEJraETT Entered Into rest at 8 Allen Avenue- Richmond Va Friday February 14 1936 Judith Wat-kins Bennett widow of Or Frank Bennett She Is survived by a daughter Miss Virginia Bennett two sons Carrtngton Bennett and John Bennett and four sisters Mrs Allen I Harless of Christians burg Vs Miss Caroline Watklns Mrs John A Hancock and Mrs Winfree of Richmond Funeral from the above residence Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Inter-ment private Please omit flowers CORRIERI Died February 13 1938 Teresa Margaret Corrleri daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis Corrleri 4000 Montrose Ave Funeral this (Saturday) morning from St Paul's Catholic Church at 11 o'clock Interment Holy Cross FRIEDMAN Died at a local hospital Friday Feb 14 1936 at 4 A M- Mrs Sarah Friedman aged 69 wife of Max Friedman Besides her husband she Is survived by one brother Eugene White of Columbia Funeral from the Joseph Bliley Funeral Home 3rd and Marshall Sunday Feb 16 1936 at 12 noon Interment In Sir Moses TESTED" USED CARS International Harvester Company GOOD USED TRUCKS BARGAIN PRICES GENEROUS TERMS '31 Chevrolet Panel $100 '34 Chevrolet 11-Ton cab and chassis long dual rear $350 34 Chevrolet li-Ton cab and chassis short dual rear $325 '32 Chevrolet i-Ton Pick-Up cab and body $200 "34 Chevrolet i-Ton Pick-Up cab and body $275 "27 GMC lJ-Ton cab and chassis long single $175 "32 Ford t-Ton Pick-Up cab and body $175 '33 Ford i-Ton Pick-Up cab and body $300 31 Ford 11 -Ton cab and chassis short dual rear $150 '33 International Pick-Up cab and body $250 34 International Pick -Up cab and body $350 "34 International B-3 U-Ton cab and chassis long dual rear $375 33 International A-3 11-Ton cab and chassis long dual rear $350 35 International C-30 11 -Ton cab and chassis short dual rear $550 33 International A-5 SrTon cab and chassis long dual rear $325 International Harvester Company 17TH CLAY (NEW BUILDING) TRUCK DEPARTMENT DIAL 2-2823 SAFETY PRACTl ATiri PRACTICALLY ALL MAKES JONES MOTOR CAR' CO INC potted plants luoersi orai" yy Idlewood Ave 8-3087 day or night PALMORB FLORIST -For Flowers of Distinction" 10 Grace St 8-0138 8-5204 29 Studebaker Sedan $125 29 Oldsmobile Coach 95 29 Essex Sedan $95 29 Willys-Knight Coach 95 28 Buick Sedan $85 28 Graham Sedan 98 SIMM0NS-BYNUM MOTOR CORP 1010 Boulevard Dial 4-4311 2923 BROAD ST OPEN EVENINGS DIAL 5-7010 '30 OldsmobOe '30 Ford Coupe 0 Chevrolet Coach $145 '31 Pontiac Sedan attractive opening for 2 educate men 25-35 Must be free to trav capable of meeting better class i people Salary plus liberal comnrn sion National Publishers Educ ttonal Service See Mr Lewis 3 Grace Securities Building BOOK SALESMEN I New low-priced set with quartet' supplements Liberal commissi' plus drawing account Partlcul renumeratlve offer to man capat and willing to train salesmen the field Give age experlen present connection and phone nur ber Sales manager in city tr week Box 146 care Times-Dt patch Funeral Directors '32 Plymouth 4-Door A PRICE uiuiiiit TTr-rm i rTT j1 ofr' bedan MECHANICALLY PACKARD AMBTJLANCE DIAL 2-0167 GOOD fAIWi $240 Special Notices 6A '35 Graham Sedan Dodge Spt '30 Pontiac EMRICK'S USED CAR STORE 2 to 12 Marshall Dial 2-1935 Open Nights A good buy Like new Can be bought HIGH QUALITY AND LOW PRICES MAKE ALS0FS USED CARS BETTER BUYS 33 Pontiac Coach $365 29 Dodge Sedan 95 "28 Oldsmobile Coupe 45 34 Pontiac Coach $525 28 LaSalle Sedan $145 "32 Plymouth Coach $195 33 Plymouth Sedan $345 '29 Nash Sedan 95 33 Pontiac Coach $365 33 Pontiac Coach $395 '33 Rockne Sedan $285 29 Chrysler Coach $125 29 Oakland Sedan 85 '32 Terraplane Coach $235 32 Chevrolet Victoria $245 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM ALSOP MOTOR CO USED CAR LOT 901-15 West Broad St DIAL 4-2961 OPEN NIGHTS Gauldinff Bros Motor Co SINTI8 Relieved Uchtensteln's Nasal nh unuthliw different Lich- Monteflore Sands ton Va Eastern 210 or 250 tenstelns pnarmacy iiuu a AGAIN WE Let Harwood lor nan new car price WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co 1117 Boulevard 4-3832 616 Grace St pau your ui- Ol-arms circular AFRO-AMERICAN OLD FOLKS' GOULDIN Ida Ik 80 years old wid-ow of the late William Lb Gouldin died at her residence In Hanover County Friday February 14 at 4:30 A She leaves two eons and A Gouldin and three daughters Mrs Temple Woodson Mrs Maude Pitta and Mrs Milton Fatson of Richmond one sister Mrs Emma Dabney and fifteen grandchildren Funeral from her residence at Casco Mills at 2 o'clock Saturday February 15 (Non-Sectarlan Randolph Pres RARE OPPORTUNITY Wanted to employ five addition salesmen ages 25 to SO to sell li Insurance and annuities In Rlc mond and Virginia We furnii prospects expert training educ tional facilities and Joint work i man with energy can expect I earn $1500 to $5000 annually commissions Crutchfield GENERAL AGENT Equitable Life Assurance of the State-Planters Bank Building I Richmond Va 1 Situations Wanted Female 3 '30 Buick Master "6" A Real Buy Plenty Miles or Your Money WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co (BRANCH) 710 Broad St 3-3023 Ilia Moore at uitu MARTIN CHEVROLET Again Offers Lower Prices On Reconditioned Cars and Trucks '33 Chevrolet Special Sedan $325 '34 Terraplane Sedan $400 "34 Ford DeLuxe Tudor $375 Autos-T rucks for Hire 12 A Miami Florida Tour 7-DAY AIL EXPENSE TOUR $55 VIA MOTOR COACH TOUR INCLUDES ALL MEALS HOTELS SIGHTSEEING U-DRTVE-IT-CO Rent a truck- and drive-lt-yourself Low rates 810 North Eighth St 2-2647 GREGORY Died at his residence 710 Bancroft Ave Friday Feb 14 1936 at 12:20 A Wilford Paul Gregory aged 22 years He Is survived by his parents Mr and Mrs Gregory two brothers Stanley and Billy Gregory two sisters Arllne and Marlorie Gregory Funeral from St Elizabeth's Church Sunday at 8 Interment In Mt Calvary Cemetery Requiem mass Auto Accessories Parts 13 '32 Ford Coach $Z50 BOOKKEEPER stenographer exper enoed A reference 8-6270 MAID Cook experienced reference 3-0369 NEXT TOUR LEAVES FEBURART 20 QUALITY USED CARS At MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES '35 Chevrolet Sport Coupe Less than 7500 miles Beautiful grey duco red wheels and trim '34 Chevrolet Master Coach Several to select from Very low mileage new tires of the best makers Original paint like new $395 '33 Chevrolet Master Coupe Gee this is a clean privately owned kept In a garage Mechanically its $325 '33 Nash Sedan BATTERIES EXCHANGED $195 generators -starters motors and keys Va Battery Co 900-02 Broad St Virginia Tour's Inc (SUCCESSORS TO WATER'S TOURS) Monday at a '35 Willis Coupe $300 "32 Pontiac Coupe $235 31 Hupmobile Sedan $225 "31 Chevrolet Sport Coupe $200 32 Chevrolet Sedan $225 33 Chrysler Sedan $365 31 Chevrolet Coupe $195 32 Ford Coupe $195 31 Chevrolet Cabriolet $195 "31 Pontiac Coupe $185 31 Hupmobile Sedan $175 32 Chevrolet Roadster $175 31 Ford Couoe $165 TIRES USED BALLOON TRUCKS 60c UP YELLOW FRONT TIRE 701 LEIGH ST 8-2891 OR 4-6025 PRACTICAL NURSE All types 11 ness good reference Dial 2-5561 TYPIST Multigraph Addressograp Dupligraph and Graphotype op rator desires permanent positlo: 148 Care Times-Dispatch CULTURED LADY now employed i dietitian hotel Institution Motl erless home References 209 Cat Times-DlROatch CO 212 BROAD ST 3-474B Personals USED TIRES ALL SIZES BALLOON TRUCK DEALERS SUPPLIED A St TIRES CO 1201 Cary 6-6015 USED PARTS City auto wrecking 1424 Brook Road 2-1105 '31 Ford Sport Roadster $160 ELECTROLYSIS Unsightly hair per- i rritM Qoa HILL Entered Into rest at 3 Friday February 14 1938 at his home In Ellerson Va Eillcott Hill aged 71 years beloved husband of Mrs Emma Wind el Hill Besides his wife he Is survived toy ono son Charles Hill The remains rest at Blllups' Funeral Home where the service will be conducted Sunday afternoon February 16 at 2 o'clock Interment In Oakwood MILLER Died suddenly at his resf-dence 1801 Third Avenue February 14 1936 William Miller He Is survived toy two brothers Charles Miller of Cleveland Ohio and Edward Miller of this city Funeral from the Joseph Bliley Funeral Home Third and Marshall Saturday at 4 Interment In mauenuy removed hubs whrc Grace St Room 2 Dial 8-1197 WORKERS Male and female Cha: tacter and efficiency Goodw Church Center 407 Clay Dial 2-1104 Loans or sale arranged un Motorcycles and Bicycles 15 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1934 Police special $195 Pinnell 705 Broad St settled estates legacies ana vrus funds Chatham Discount 170 Situations Wanted Male 3 A Small one Owned by Richmond 'Safety Tested Used Cars' Reduced Prices Free Insurance Free Financing BUY NOW AND SAVE Special for February To meet the unprecedented demand for the 1936 Buick Cadillac La-Salle and Oldsmobile cars and to make room for additional used cars we have cut our prices to rock-bottom and at these prices pay your finance and insurance charges on all monthly payment sales up to 12 months REAL VALUES IN Auburn Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Essex Ford Graham Hudson Hup-mobile Lincoln Marquette Nash Oakland Oldsmobile Packard Pontiac and Studebaker DEMONSTRATIONS WITHOUT OBLIGATION Jones Motor Car Co Inc 2923 WEST BROAD ST DIAL 5-7010 OPEN EVENINGS Broadway "31 Ford Coach itu 31 Ford Sport Roadster $150 31 Chevrolet Roadster 95 29 Oldsmobile Cabriolet 50 Dependable Trucks 34 Chevrolet li-ton cab and chassis $440 34 Chevrolet lj-ton cab and chassis $335 33 Chevrolet U-ton cab and chassis $275 31 Chevrolet li-ton cab and chassis $175 MRS MAUDE CARTER 340 King St Kirkmyer Motor Co GOING OUT OF BUSINESS $12000 WORTH OF USED AUTOMOBILES HAVE TO BE SOLD Prices and Terms To Suit the Buyer THIS IS YOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY (2) 35 Terraplane Coupes (3) '34 Terraplane Coaches -(2) '32 Essex Sedans (1) '31 Studebaker Sedan (1) "31 Hudson Sedan (2) "34 Hudson Coaches (1) 4 Hudson Coupe (1) "34 Plymouth Coupe (1) '32 Chevrolet Coupe -(1) '32 Buick Sedan MANY OTHERS Don't Miss This Sale Kirkmyer Motor Co Broad at Tenth Street OPEN NIGHTS INDIAN 45 Scout $75 Indian Sales 1631 Broad 5-5875 Repairing Service Stations 16 BOOKKEEPER Stenographer perienced wants small set of bool to keep or typing to 'do nights an Saturdays Good references 12 Care Times-Dispatch CARPENTER Experienced capabl repairing of all kinds: reasonabl 2-1773 Hollywood Charleston wisnes so communicate with or know the whereabouts of (Bill) Johnson associated for several years with Drive-It Company Residence last known Charlotte believe now to be in Richmond or vicinity Im-portant message banker Has naa nttie use new tires $295 OTHERS Open Evenings Robertson Chevrolet 1351 Broad St 54336 "31 Chevrolet i-ton canopy top $100 CYLINDER and crankshaft grinding cylinder boring general auto re-palrs A Hall 1623 Broad St ARTHUR ELECTRIC SERVICE Ar mature winding refrigeration motor repairs 1643 Broad St 4-7511 YOUNG married auto mechanic neec work of any kind Phone 2-1357 Lost Found Strayed 10 WINVREE'S AUTO HOSPITAL (Continued From First PageJ WILLIS Died at her late residence February 14 1936 at 1:45 Mrs Lillian Thompson Willis of S024 Stuart Avenue She Is survived by her husband Willis and daughter Margaret McNamara her father and mother Mr and Mrs George Thompson of White-stone Va and stepson Arthur McNamara of Baltimore Md and the following sisters Mrs Oundlas Mrs McMurray Mrs Gresham Mrs A Degges Miss Hope Thompson of White-stone: Mrs Ira Cahoon of Norfolk Funeral Sunday from White stone Financial REPAIRING-WRECKING SERVICE 7TH BAINB RIDGE 8TS 2-2709 ON DISPLAY IN OUR STEAM-HEATED SHOWROOM MARTIN CHEVROLET Used Car Department PETERSBURG PIKE AND HULL (Brooks) Martin Mgr DIAL Business Opportunities 3 Wrecks rebuilt Authorized Du Pont painting lettering etc A MEYERS SONS 114 8 8th St "Complete Auto Service" '34 Pontiac De Luxe Sedan We guarantee it to be without blem- lsh in any respect See it Drive It and buy It at a low price WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co 1117 Boulevard 4-3832 BOARDING HOUSE Beautifully fui nlshed best location income $8C upward per month Sacrifice 11 Tlmes-uiBpatcn Baptist Church at ra RE A Persons returning to owners lost articles advertised bare will be given a reward of Two Tickets to Loew's Theatre Return lost article to owner then come to The Times-Dispatch office and get your tickets Daily Cross-Word Puzzle CONFECTIONERY Established sale Reasonable 3301 Marsha Street Fully equlppe-Sell stock and trade reasonabl Low rent 8-3021 Apply 109 Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle Died February 14 1936 Mr Thomas Bailey Sr He Is survived by one son Thomas Bailey Jr of this city one daughter Mrs Claudlne Gordon of New York: a host of relatives and friends Funeral Sunday 1:30 First African Baptist Church Eev Main St GROCERY STOCK We Johnson oniciating DOG Lost white toy Spits answers to name "Jimmy" 2-0545 Reward 2719 Marshall Street GREATER RICHMOND'S BUSINESS AND SERVICE DIRECTORY established uooa locauon ru and store $25 month 3-9547 fore 6 Write 123 care Time Dispatch A small-paying coniectlor ery or tavern on highway 4-8037 GLASSES LOST Pair rimless ullvue in Ellis Ray Fisher case finder please cau 3-0770 Loans Up to $300 39 WATCH Lost Royal Arch-Masonic Friday February 7 on Coast Line train or Norfolk Western train or in Petersburg Station or In Lynchtoug Liberal reward Dial 4-8525 or write Rev Matthews 3213 Grace St Rich-mond Va ice- 3 Business Service Business Service Business Service 8 Silky fibers of the silk-cotton tree 8 Members of the solar system 10 Cereal grass 1L Coloring agent 16 Intellectual faculties 18 Makes the sound of cattle 20 Express contempt tl More ignoble 22 Living 2 Notions 24 Unfastened 25 Part of a coat 28 Drive 1L Bohemian dances SS Rumors 86 Certain 38 Rational 41 Unit of weight 43 Kingdom in i India 45 Beethoven's birthplace 48 Implore 47 Danish money of account 48 Limited in number 49 Bustle 50 Witty person 62 Proceed Died February 12 1936 at herwldence 907 Second Street Mrs Mildred A Cross Funeral from First Baptist Crnrrcri uSt ruary 16 at 2 Dr Johnson officiating Died February 13 1938 at 2:10 A at the home of her 828 South Second Street Mrs-Mary Booker Hughes 8he wrrtred nerhusband John Hughes: one eon James Booker: one daughter Alice Berry: six stepchildren and eight grandchildren "nfreat" grandchild Funeral notice later Died FebrueryW) i36 at a localhospltal mile Jones of 412 West Baker Street Died St Fhiup hospital Thursday February 13 at 6A M- joeMason of 109 West Twenty-first Wet Funeral Sunday afternoon at the grave in Spring creek District Chesterfield County ACROSS 1 Woolly surface of cloth A Utter words 8 Legume 12 Self 12 Flowering plant 14 Not professional IS Ahead 17 Tabla utensil 19 Tip 20 Before long 21 Sew loosely 23 Reservoir' for writing fluid 26 Indian mul berry 27 Tricky: slang 29 Greek portico $0 Term of address 12 Arabian chieftain: variant i-24 Soak up IS Preceding nights 27 Removes the peel ti Symbol for selenium 40 Lowers 42 Jury list 44 Spoken AUTOMOBILE LOANS $25 TO $300 Carrying charges on a one htmdrf Painting Papering 26 Business Services Offered 18 HairdretsingtBeautyShops 21 JACKSON HOUSE CLEANING 3 Automotive GRACE BEAUTY SHOP SPECIAL MM rill Pjn-mnnfc KA WOODWOtm AliU i a a WASHED DIAL 4-1786 Others $1-82 223 Grace St 2-8250 Automobile "Agencies CUT RATg WINDOW CLEANING CO cleaning a specialty Insured service 4106 Broad Rock Road 8-8137 DOOR CHECKS AND E-s tailed repaired keys made Va Key Lock Co 604 Main 2-6301 dollar ($100) ioan xor me ov Is less than 12c per day Oi charges automatically reduce eecj the last payment only carriti a charge of one cent lc) per day-i also family loans on household fui Professional Services 28 HeatingtPlumbingtRoofing 22 McKIMMIE'S "good will" used cars 605-621 Broad St ACCOUNTS jXttJ-ECTED-Own HUGHES PICTURE FRAMING" PLUMBING and heating repair work of all kinds smoke pipe -Reeve Harris 824 Ubble Ave 4-2978 ana Dona iunuaeu care Times-Dispatch or dial 4-2101 Automobiles for Sale 11 209 8RD ST 8-6538 DOWN Clock in the form of a ship Past Harbors Triangle with unequal sides Piece Finish Article 45 Ossified cartilage 48 Arbor 48 Front foot EL Historical period 62 Representative C4 Town In Ohio 55 Vapor sc Villages 67 Trunk of a felled tree repayment to suit your In come SEE MR REYNOLDS SEABOARD SMALL 192 4-door sedan Caulking Carpentering Repairing EXPERIENCED WORKMAN PRICES RIGHT DIAL 8-1061 MASSAGES -General Rheumatic Reducing 814 Grace American Bldg 3-3080 REXD ROOFING CO- INC Roof Repairing Sheet etal Work 4 HENRY ST DIAL 3-8623 8245 Terms 201 it jsemaere ma 8-1512 after 6 6-6587 Radio Repairing 28A Carpet-Rug Cleaning 19A LOAN C0RP0RATI0K Surety Bonds 23 '34 Deluxe Coupe Must be sold 880 radio Insurance and finance free 19000 mileage $450 half down 4-9792 after 8 0x12 shampooed $2 cleaned $1: free storage Daniels 6-4754 II 306 BROAD-GRACE ARCADE DIAL 8-6330 6 a 9x12 Cleaned 80c Free storJ LET us handle your fire and automobile Insurance Blake 4i Dudley Inc 20 8th Street BE PROTECTED All lines of lnsur-ance written by Elam A Funsten Dial 8-8568 FORD V-8 credit memorandum of 1 I age ana insurance a-iosi VICTORY RENOVATING WORKS 3 12 Money to Loan 8 IOO xo DC appuea on purcnase new Ford Sacrifice for cash 4-8741 9x12 domestic rug shampooed $195: RADIO REPAIRING EQUIPMENT upholstered rurmture Kambourian Sons 4-9161 FORD 'slT DeLuxe sedan (with radio) 8535 A Edloe Donna 1606-8-10 Broad St Dial 4-7171 18 t5 24 Laundering SOS for Cash Locates Two Missing Youths A telephoned SOS for money last Bight located Jack and Harry Copley both 15 missing from their homes In Rtehmond since Wednesday A JT Deas Jr of Hampden Gardens father of one of the boys received the call from FayettevlUe shortly after 8 o'clock He notified Henrico County police and the father of the other youth Dr Ernest Copley of 5501 Grove Avenue and together It was agreed to have the young adventurers technically arrested and held by FayetteriHe authorities until the arrival of Mr Deas there today FayettevlUe police told Henrico au Open nights Cleaning Dyeing 20 "OH B0Y1 $200 And Can I Use That Money TODAY 20c 25c curtains 10c strip delivered 6 years of satis-factory service Mrs Farmer 8-1826 FORD '30 tudor $95 Universal Motor Co Used Car Dept 1037-41 Broad St Dial 4-0161 Open nights LJJ MEN'S 3 for $1 cleaned called for delivered Arrow Clean-lng Co- 1817 Broad 6-8276 zs U4 23 21 22 Moving Trucking Storing 25 Want money? Need it qulckT its I RADIO RKFMGERATOR REPAJTRS 17 YEARS SATISFACTORY SERVICE OLIVER BATTERY CO DIAL 2-4376 Just drive your car over WM Dressmaking and Millinery 21 our oil ice you get wp nuuua 23 MARTIN'S Transfer and Storage 414 Fourth 8t dial 8-6938 Reason- able rates on moving and storage LARGEST fleet moving vans in South Van available to all cities SUU3IO REPAIRS TUBES AERIALS RICHMOND RADIO SHOP US -w wnvm rr rTAL 2-7078 8 cents per yard Sewing of all kinds Mrs Landon '32 DeSoto Sedan Carefully Driven and Is Guaranteed in Every Respect WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co (BRANCH) 710 Broad St 3-3023 33 IpST" 31 soutn Tnira st Dial BROOKS TRANSFER AND STORAGE quick uae unning orawr AUTO LOANS $25 $100 1300 $500 In 15 Minutes a aV artt4 VMM sV BURCH RADIO SERVICE 4-2623 8510 Chamberlayne Avenue CO- 6-1731 SLIP COVERS Antique covering a specialty Beautiful work guaranteed Mrs Cetera 8510 First Ave 8-2235 3i 3ts 37 thorities last night the boys Insisted Painting Papering 26 Repairing and Refinishing 29 43 40 UairdressingfDeautySho ps 21C 42 upon their eagnemess to return home Count of Covadonga's PAINTING Xnslde-ootslde work Paperhanging Best reference Stone 23 Harrison St 6-2721 FURNITURE repaired and refUUshed by: competent workmen at low i prices Jones Furniture Co- Inc 315-17 Broad 8t Dial 8-0156 CROQUINOIJB Ringlet ends $250 up Travis Beauty Shop 2500 Grove Ave 5-4773 Condition Held Critical PAINTING All kinds ReflnlBhlng Hoars Small lobs a specialty First- ttleys 216 ciaas work Bpronac s-aaai HAIR All SSc Adams 8t Shoe Repairing 29 A We H7 PAPERING painting wallpaper clean '31 Packard Convertible -Coupe In A-l Condition in Every -Respect $395 WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Mooers Motor Car Co (BRANCH) 710 Broad St 3-3023 HAVANA Feb 1 The Count of Corstdonga was reported in a crit w) UUU By mm ss it fori No embarrassing question a-no red tape no no to' or drive your car away wl the money in your pocket wtthi 15 minutes i It's waiting here for come and get your money I Automobile Finance Co1 815 West Broad St Dial 5-2859 Offices In Ct! NEARLY everybody read Times-! patch Want Ads tir Mvwm Mm in Vm 1 1 um1 1IIRR lng and chimney cleaning a specialty 1024 1st St Phone 11 Sboea sold made xwalred touXlt Si V52 3-8848 ical condition tonight and hope for ELECTRICAL Guaranteed Quality $45 up Morris Hunter 111 8th St 2-2012 CALL for Information about our new machine! ess wave Mayflower Beauty Shop 2807 Cary St 6-8071 his recovery was considered aught in ROOMS papered and painted $4 up Satisfaction guaranteed Wlngfleld A Stinnett 12-month plan 4-4041 some quarters PS" Upholstering 30A The former crown prince of Spain took a wddea tarn for the won to- WM TjPHOLTERINO--Chstr eanlng rt pairing Lord's 2i2 Broad St More than ever Ifs The Times-Dispatch for Want Ad results IT pays tfiwad erery ad 1.

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Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2025)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 6292

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.